1px solid rgb(0, 114, 188); color: rgb(0, 114, 188) ! important; font-family: Verdana,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; position: static; background-color: transparent;">Melbourne, Australia, December 12 -- A novel vaccine that can help treat peridontitis is under production now that the Australian pharmaceutical company CSL has joined hands with France-based pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur.
Periodontitis is a severe gum infection caused by the ‘Porphyromonas gingivalis’ bacteria that leads to bleeding of the gums and teeth loss. As of now, it can be prevented only with proper brushing and flossing. This disease can also increase the risk of developing heart ailment, dementia and cancer.
The study initiator, Dr O'Brien Simpson from the University of Melbourne says, “We knew the bacteria that was causing the disease, and we had a bit of an idea how we could target it.”
“You work all your life in science hoping that you can do some good, and this looks like it might actually get there,” he adds.
Study details
The researchers combined a peptide and a protein molecule to help stop the bacteria from sticking onto the gums and causing serious damage to the gums and teeth.
The formula was then used to develop a vaccine that can help prevent the disease from early on and thus save the teeth from being damaged beyond repair.
Professor Eric Reynolds, head of the University's Dental school and chief of the Cooperative Research Centre for Oral Health Science says, “Periodontitis is a serious disease and dentists face a major challenge treating it, because most people will not know they have the disease until it's too late.”
He continues, “This will provide dentists and patients with a specific treatment, which prevents disease progression rather than managing its symptoms and damaging consequences.”
The vaccine, which is under advanced stage of production, is currently being tested on mice, and human trials will begin soon if the results are found to be encouraging.
An antibiotic gel also planned to fight Periodontitis
The pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur has also obtained a worldwide license for commercialization of the product once the human trials yield a positive result.
Chief scientific officer of CSL informs, “CSL is pleased to announce an agreement with Sanofi Pasteur to undertake a funded program to develop a vaccine for the treatment of periodontal disease.”
“The research could also now be expanded to incorporate an antibiotic gel, to be developed alongside a vaccine, for the treatment of those with existing infection.”
The vaccine, if successful, will be a new breakthrough in the field of Dental Sciences.
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